Cash mascot , is more current today. Difficult to find a person who would not have wanted a comfortable life.

You need to buy at the store, many of them are easy to fabricate in house.
How to make an amulet with the hands in the house?
Mascot to attract money can represent almost anything you want. This can be bracelets, rings, necklaces, coins or fillers banknotes. The most important thing is communication, which is installed between the pet and its owner. Get the magic object is not difficult. Build with their own hands will not be difficult.
The most common variety of cash amulet can be attributed:
- The mascot of wax;
- Pendant with natural stone;
- Charge banknote;
- The decoration of the coins;
- Amulets with the symbol of the runes;
For the manufacture of the case of the mascot, it is possible to use all the materials available. Often the preference is given to wood, clay or cardboard. The amulet must be made of two parts of the round shape. Should be the same size. In each of them is made a small hole in it odevaetsya wire. Preferably, in the color red. Directly on the amulet is applied to the symbol runes, designed to improve the well-being of the owner.
The most simple case the charm can be attributed to charge the bill. In this case, it is not necessary to anything diy. However, not each banknote is suitable for such an important function. The series indicated on it must be completely repeat the initials of the owner. And the digits after the two letters, at least in part, should coincide with the date of birth. Pay attention should be for the first 4-6 digits. Perfect, when the date is completely repeated. Spend this bill should not be. While being close with the owner, she brings him luck financial.
Wax mascot is made of a normal candle. The main rule of the manufacturing process – the time that will be. You need to choose a day at the beginning of the growing moon. The manufacturing process preferably late at night. Purchased the candle should be placed in a glass suitable for the size and power it on. While the candle is lit, the future owner of the mascot should list their desires. The information accumulated in the melted wax. In this way, obtained the figurine becomes the keeper of the wishes of the owner. Must be ordered to withdraw from the cup and put in any bag to avoid damage. So the mascot brings to the owner the happiness and fulfillment of desires.

Not less powerful talismans are those that are made of natural stones. Properly the selection, you can protect your savings and ensure the successful financial efforts. It is better to choose a stone for an amulet in accordance with the zodiac system. Because the one who brings good luck to a character, it can cause unhappiness of another.
The jewelry may not have a decorative function. Despite its charm, is only used as a mascot. Therefore, you should hide the thing from prying eyes. The best place for you personally embroidered bag in red.
As the material is to be used the natural thread. The obligatory principle that you need to consider is embroidery, uniform image, and not individual characters. Therefore, before starting, be sure to be clear on what happens at the end. After finishing the job, the mascot should be consecrated, and the four elements. The first night must be under the glow of the moon, and then to absorb the energy of the sun, after being inflated by the wind, and finally, immersed in water. After all the manipulations mascot finds her magic power and brings the owner wealth.
The talismans of coins
The mascot of the coins can also manufacture with your own hands. For this it is necessary to respect the rules execution technology. Before choosing a currency of any value. It is desirable that this was a ancient money with a special story. In the absence of such, it is possible to use other options.
How to frame an amulet was formed by a small circle of wire. Its size must match with a coin. The decoration of this frame serves twisted around him a thin wire. In a free space is inserted into a coin and stuck a pair of pliers. With the help of wire, you can build a hole for the passage of the chain.
Got the amulet you need to pre-load and only then use fully. The brand mascot must always stay with his master, but not to prying eyes.
How to charge an amulet?
The presence of the mascot is not enough for him, is attracted to wealth. Before you start to use it, you must perform a ritual of consecration. For this you need to choose a time when no one will disturb you. At this time, there is a need to be in a good mood. On a clean table should put the mascot up. In this case, must burn the candle, preferably green in colour.
Thinking of it like an amulet full of energy, it is necessary to keep the flame around him three times clockwise and three times after.

After the ceremony, you should remove the amulet in a bag. If this bill, you will need to bend and hide in the far, department of portfolio. The most important condition is the presence of faith in the mascot. Without it, even the most effective of which do not carry out its functions. Must be established a close connection with the owner. In the opposite case, the energy of the magical object you focus on in a vacuum.